
There are many tricks to have a free Email account, so it is usefull to choose the way based on your necessities:
1) If you have not an Email and you use Netscape or another browser as principal internet tool, the best way should be HOTMAIL that uses the Web to receive and send Email or Files without a specific client
2) If you do not ave a POP account and you need to have one, you should become a member of Geocities that gives a pop account to its members
3) If you need a forward address, I found POBoxes to be very usefull
4) If you want to send an anonymous Email, you can do that in 2 waies:
a) Send mail using [email protected] that gives you a Forward anonimous address.
b) The second allowes to send mail with the address that you want but it is not legal. So I prefer to omit it .

If you have some questions, send an Email to me at [email protected]